Report from the Women's Bar Association of Washington, D.C. on Advancing and Retaining Women in Today's Law Firms
Courtesy of the blog of the Project for Attorney Retention, readers may want to read a recent report by the Women's Bar Association of the District of Columbia entitled: Creating Pathways to Success: Advancing and Retaining Women in Today's Law Firms.
The report focuses on three questions:
- What are the stumbling blocks preventing women from advancing farther and faster within the legal profession?
- What are DC firms already doing to retain and promote women attorneys?
- What new ideas and approaches are there to stem the departure of women from law practice?
The overall conclusion of the report is that women attorneys "want to be the best, with business of their own, [but] in organizations that recognize that their [personal] lives occasionally will demand disproportionate chunks of time outside the practice, and [that embrace a] culture [with] a 'stickiness' that binds the lawyers together beyond the business unit of the billable hour."
Importantly, the report notes that many male attorneys want the same thing, and thus the report is a valuable roadmap for retention strategies in general.
Click here to read the full report.