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25 of Our Nation's Presidents Were Lawyers - Can You Name Them? (Be the First and Win an Gift Certificate)

WhitehouseTwenty five of our nation's President's were lawyers - can you name them?

First reader to respond correctly via the comments link below will receive a $25 gift certificate.

To get you started, one was William Howard Taft, who later became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He was reportedly so pleased with his career change that he later wrote, "I don't remember that I was ever president."

Response Update:

Congratulations to Alex Simpson of Alex Simpson PLLC and publisher of the Corporate & Securities Law Blog who responded with the correct answer first at 1:44 PM EST.

Click the link below for the correct list

Note: some readers included John F. Kennedy on their lists. JFK was not a lawyer though, although his brother, Robert, was.

The list:

  1. John Adams
  2. Thomas Jefferson
  3. James Madison
  4. James Monroe
  5. John Quincy Adams
  6. Andrew Jackson
  7. Martin Van Buren
  8. John Tyler
  9. James Polk
  10. Millard Fillmore
  11. Franklin Pierce
  12. James Buchanan
  13. Abraham Lincoln
  14. Rutherford Hayes
  15. Chester Arthur
  16. Grover Cleveland
  17. Benjamin Harrison
  18. William McKinley
  19. William Taft
  20. Woodrow Wilson
  21. Calvin Coolidge
  22. Franklin Roosevelt
  23. Richard Nixon
  24. Gerald Ford
  25. Bill Clinton

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1. Taft (thanks for the gimmy)
2. John Adams
3. James Madison
4. James Monroe
5. John Quincy Adams
6. Martin Van Buren
7. John Tyler
8. James Polk
9. Millard Fillmore
10. Franklin Pierce
11. James Buchanan
12. Abraham Lincoln
13. Andrew Johnson
14. Rutherford B. Hayes
15. Chester Arthur
16. Grover Cleveland
17. Benjamin Harrison
18. William McKinley
19. Thomas Jefferson
20. James Garfield
21. John Kennedy
22. Warren Harding
23. Calvin Coolidge
24. Richard Nixon
25. Bill Clinton

Here's my list:
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
John Quincy Adams
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
John Tyler
James Polk
Millard Fillmore
Franklin Pierce
James Buchanan
Abraham Lincoln
Rutherford Hayes
Chester Arthur
Grover Cleveland
Benjamin Harrison
William McKinley
William Taft
Woodrow Wilson
Calvin Coolidge
Franklin Roosevelt
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Bill Clinton

You missed James Garfield. There should be 26!

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