Strategies to Help Women Returning to Work From Maternity Leave
Came across an interesting article that describes a program implemented by the Salmon Arm Savings and Credit Union of Canada that organizes weekly conference calls for mothers returning to the company from maternity leave with a facilitator who is an expert on post-maternity return to the workplace.
One participating mom calls it "a chance for moms to talk about some of the challenges and how they are going to balance things out." From the company's standpoint, the program is a good retention tool - as one executive explained: "We've put a lot of training in them and they've put a lot into the business, so it's a way of hanging onto them as well."
Some of the benefits moms have taken from the sessions include time management tips, and the reassurance of knowing that there are other people experiencing and coping with the same difficulties as they are.
Sounds like an idea law firms can consider for their own attorneys returning from maternity leave. In fact, the article cites a study in which a participating law firm estimated that it realized a return on investment of $4 for each $1 invested in work-family balance programs.
See the full story here.