Work Life Winner: Ford & Harrison Kills Billable Hours for First Year Associates
We've previously blogged about Scott Turow's cry to kill the billable hour, and it seems at least one mid-size firm is heeding his call - at least for first year associates. Ford & Harrison, a 190-attorney labor and employment firm with 18 offices, has eliminated billable hour requirements for first-year associates under its new "Year One" program - a unique 15-month regimen that emphasizes on-the-job training for first year associates through mentoring, hands-on work assignments and direct observation of client matters such as depositions, hearings and negotiations. The firm says it is modeled after the medical school’s resident approach.
In a recent article on, Ford & Harrison's managing partner said the program aims to close the practical-skills gap of law school education and increase value to clients, and hopefully enable associates to handle meatier matters more quickly. Better attorney retention was also cited as a factor.
While the pressing issue of work life balance for lawyers certainly extends to associates beyond the first year, we salute Ford & Harrison for taking a step in the right direction and annoint the firm a "Work Life Balance Winner."
A deserved winner with some innovative thinking. using the med school program as a template is something I haven't heard of being used before. Well done. We've blogged the entry ourselves.
Posted by: John Bowie | Aug 27, 2007 12:53:22 AM