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Steve Imparl: Lawyer Boxer Finds Time to Indulge Eclectic Interests

Steve Imparl BoxingSteve Imparl is a lawyer who doesn't let legal practice consume his life. When he is not advising clients on Internet, e-commerce, and computer law, Steve pursues a wide range of personal interests: athletics (including boxing, weight lifting, skating and volleyball), creative writing, classical guitar, musical composition, foreign languages (French, German, Slovene, and Spanish), meditation, stress reduction, travel, dinosaurs, tea, and flight simulation (Steve is a pilot for the UPS Virtual Air Cargo virtual airline).

Steve also finds time to blog about his various activities (in fact, Steve recently joined JD Bliss as a guest author).  We were particularly intrigued by his boxing blog, which chronicles Steve's training regimen, as well as the insights he's gained from the sport.

In March 2006, Steve participated in the Chicago Athletic Association Boxing Club's first annual Emerald Gloves International Boxing Tournament, featuring a team of boxers from the Chicago area competing with a team of boxers visiting from Ireland. You can read Steve's report about the tournament, including his exhibition bout with friend and colleague, Tim O'Conner, Esq., over here (see also photo above of Steve trading punches with Tim).

We encourage all lawyers to make time for personal recreation - perhaps they can't indulge as many interests as Steve (we still don't know how he finds the time) - but certainly Steve's discipline about setting aside time for his passions will encourage other lawyers to do the same.

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